Funded by Tengizchevroil and implemented by IREX in cooperation with the Atyrau Oblast Akimat, Atyrau Oblast and City Departments of Education, and G. Slanov Atyrau Oblast Scientific Library
The first-ever Tech Age Teens project operates as an extracurricular activity for youth primarily in the eighth grade throughout Atyrau’s public school system. Two teachers from each school administer courses and activities; one teacher is focused on information and communication technology (ICT) skills and the other on community projects, leadership, and team building.
Project Objectives:
1. To make the internet a relevant part of education, both in schools and in libraries for teachers and youth.
2. To teach teachers and youth in Atyrau new skills that are invaluable in a developing economy and increase their employment prospects for the future;
3. To build leadership skills, community needs’ awareness, and intellectual creativity of youth in Atyrau and engage youth in the community’s development;
4. Preserve cultural heritage and advance Kazakh online content for and about the region.
Participation: All 54 schools in Atyrau city and environs were invited to participate. To qualify, a school director and two teachers submitted notification of interest to IREX and GorOO. The teachers will work on a paid, part-time basis.
Key Dates (subject to change):
March 31, 2010: Deadline for schools to register for the project.
April 8-21: Training of trainers for the teachers.
April 22: The project starts for the students
June 19: End of teachers’ spring contracts.
June 15-August 15: Summer social need-based community projects from student groups
September: Support to number of schools is reduced based on student performance.
September-November: Training and support to students; selection process for finalists.
November: Finalists’ conference for 12-15 best kids.